5 things one should not do for success in investing

What is good content and how to write good content ? Good content can be defined as a blog or article which provides maximum value to its readers and is in simple words .People are looking for answers in simple language to their questions in their minds and if it…

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Hello friends,today’s topic is reading books. I know the topic sounds wierd because most of the people keep reading books right from kindergarten (https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/why-is-kindergarten-called-kindergarten) to graduation, or even more.But here, I am not talking about the books which are related to the curriculum, but books related to life . Today,…

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What is savings ? The amount left with a person after deducting all the expenses is called savings. Any child can tell that . But why am I talking about that in the first place ? This is because I am from India and majority of the Indians don’t like…

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Why you should bring development in life ? As you grow in life ,you keep learning new things. Learning new things is also important because new development in technology keep coming up.Just 20 years ago,internet was a new thing .Computer was expensive. Smartphones were unheard of .Today 4G is everywhere…

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Increasing the employee’s productivity is a major challenge in most of the organizations.People in jobs are generally not so productive because they do it half-heartedly and work only for money.Today I will list out 10 ways which will help you immensely to increase your productivity. Productivity is the lifeblood of…

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Regret is a negative emotion with which most people live throughout their life ,in fact 90 percent of the people ,according to a research by Saybrook University,US.This feeling of regret are not related to age .It impacts people of all age and gender. This impacts their life in many negative…

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A company can be a public company or a private limited company.At present, people have started realising that enterpreneurship is more rewarding than conventional job.I have written an article on enterpreneurship .Hope you have gone through it,if not here is the link https://sidworld.in/can-you-become-a-enterpreneur-in-2022/. Many people had started a small company…

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What is content writing ? What is copywriting ? How is it connected to digital marketing ? I will answer all these one by one in a single article today.Hope ,you have read my previous post on digital marketing ,if not here is the link https://sidworld.in/digital-marketing-in-india/ Digital marketing refers to…

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Leadership has many attributes.There are major factors of leadership .These are the qualities which are found in a leader.He is a leader by mindset whether in home or in office or as a entrepreneur. Courage : It means that a leader should have full knowledge and confidence over the product…

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How to become successful in life ? To answer this question,we need to understand the definition of being successful. Successful means one has achieved in life what he actually wanted to achieve.It will depend on the person and his wish on how much he wants to accomplish in life that…

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What is success mindset ? And why are we talking about it ? Success mindset defines the mindset of the people who are successful in their careers.And the people who are successful are successful in all the fields,i.e. in terms of health ,in terms of wealth and also in relationships.Successful…

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Hello friends,today I am not writing about anything. Today I am giving out interviw with a person who is very successful in her field. She is Director Research and Content at Dr.Prem and Associates. She is based out of Kolkata and founder of creativekart.blog and simplyroam.travel.blog . You can also…

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Hello friends, being a entrepreneur is never easy . In this blog I will try to simplify the decision-making process of many people if they should even think of becoming a enterpreneur or not in the first place .Many students try to become an entrepreneur after college and some people…

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SEO template “Learning Search Engine Optimization is very profitable.” ” Search Engine Optimization is very important.” “This Search Engine Optimization specialist earn in crores.” You must have heard all these terms on the internet. But what exactly is Search Engine Optimization ? Search Engine Optimization is a part of digital…

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In the digital marketing journey different digital marketing tools are needed. Digital marketing has become important because it provides more cusomers at a lesser cost but still every person has his own view on digital marketing. A student will see it as a job opportunity. A professional will look for…

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Hi Friends,have you heard of godaddy.com ? I am asking this because for the last few weeks ,I have been emphasizing on using digital marketing for promoting your business. But very few people have idea of taking their business online.  Also for learning digital marketing ,the first step is make…

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    Digital marketing has become the need for every business today. It is really cost effective compared to the traditional methods of marketing. In the past 7 years , many companies have come up and some have become unicorns also ,only through the help of digital marketing. They are…

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