5 steps for financial freedom

Do not depend on anyone for your financial freedom             How would you feel if you would get Rs.1 lac every month without doing anything which would take care of all your household needs ? Then you could also call yourself financially free. But who…

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    In India,investment is not a preferred option and people are risk -averse. Nobody wants to take any risk . Neither in their investments nor in their career. But they forget that not taking risk is the biggest risk which they are taking .           Investment…

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I have made a video for the different options.Have a look . Fill the form to know more https://us9.list-manage.com/contact-form?u=d461dec6dd2dafbadada9e68d&form_id=e22f3d5c077259f6eae4ae857ae1a324

    Hey friends , I want to ask all the teachers ,businessmen , and agency owners. Are you worried about the dwindling sales in your business ? Post covid, majority of the business owners are worried that their sales which were visible before covid are not returning even though…

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Hi Friends, Today I am going to discuss about life insurance. Life Insurance is something which is very important in life. Before independence, hundreds of companies were running insurance business but after independence government merged all the companies into just one entity called Life Insurance Corporation of India.https://licindia.in/ Very few…

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Real Estate is the best investment anyone can make. If the happens to become a prime locality in a city , it can generate passive income for generations . It is a best way of attaining financial freedom. https://sidworld.in/5-ideas-for-financial-freedom/ Passive income- Real Estate is the best way to generate cash…

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   Mutual funds in India have come in the limelight in the past 7 to 8 years . It has increased after government started campaigning as Mutual fund sahi haihttps://www.youtube.com/c/MutualFundsSahiHai I hope this post helps you in reaching your goal of financial freedom with your existing job and resources.   …

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