5 ways of writing good content in 2023

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What is good content and how to write good content ?

Good content can be defined as a blog or article which provides maximum value to its readers and is in simple words .People are looking for answers in simple language to their questions in their minds and if it is not in simple language then it rarely serves the purpose .

Definition from a website

The above screenshot is an example of my definition versus content available on the internet.I have been searching the internet for 3 hours now on the same topic but still I am unable to find 5 ways of writing good content. There are many ways listed, but I am still not convinced .If I would have been convinced ,then I would have shared the link myself.

I am just trying to say that there is a huge demand for good content and people are searching too, but the writers are unable to provide value through content . Anyways ,coming back to topic, I was about to list out 5 ways of writing good content.I had also written a blog on this topic last year.You can find it here https://sidworld.in/how-to-learn-content-writing-skills-in-2023/

The first way is before publishing any content ,the article should be well-researched by the author or publisher so that the reader is convinced after reading the article that he need not refer any other article for the same topic.For this amount of conviction the publisher should do a thorough research on the topic and also provide some examples to prove his point.

The second way of writing good content is that the article should include some images, some videos and these infographics should be related to the article or the blog post . These things matter a lot to the readers also and the google ranking also .It is also part of the google algorithm on the basis of which google ranks the website. You can refer this blog here. https://rankmath.com/kb/score-100-in-tests/

The third way of writing good content is simply by installing a good SEO tool and following its guidelines. SEO tools are plugins in wordpress which guide you in making your article SEO friendly. These SEO tools track the google algorithm closely and keep updating their software regularly to provide the best customer experience.I have also written an article on this topic .You can refer it here. https://sidworld.in/top-30-digital-marketing-tools-available-on-the-internet/

There are many SEO tools like Rankmath, All in one SEO ,Yoast SEO . Everybody has different choices and you can choose among them as per your requirements.

The fourth way of writing good content or blog is that it should have an attractive headline.

After the headline of the blog or article , comes the main part. And the content should be written in such a way that it resonates with its readers and they want to read more of it. The second para should be tempting enough to make the reader read the next line and so on. This way the readers keep on reading .The blog should be as detailed as possible . Many people think that readers don’t reads long form copies or blogs but it is not true.Many genuine readers who become customers are the same people who go through the blog first. If they are convinced by the blog ,then they become consumers or customers.

The fifth way of writing good content is taking care of any grammatical errors and punctuation errors.These may seem minor mistakes but if there are a lot of errors , it may be a big turn-off for the readers. I have no grammer problem but still sometimes ,when I visit my previous blogs I find some mistakes here and there. So it is better to avoid these mistakes in the first place itself.

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My name is Siddharth Ray. I have worked in banking and insurance and now I have started my own agency for helping people taking the right investment decisions.You can contact me for investing in equity, mutual funds, life insurance, health insurance ,motor insurance and fixed deposits.

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