Interview with Nandini Moulik

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Hello friends,today I am not writing about anything. Today I am giving out interviw with a person who is very successful in her field. She is Director Research and Content at Dr.Prem and Associates. She is based out of Kolkata and founder of and . You can also visit her website

I had her interview and here are the excerpts from the interview.

Question 1.

How has been your journey so far ? From School to college to your corporate career ?

The 12-year journey in content writing so far has been pretty exciting. From my school days, I took an interest in writing. Dreamt to be a great writer like those of the Victorian age. Victorian literature attracted me a lot. Content writing or any form of online content creation was not even on the distant horizon.

This content writing opportunity came to me all of a sudden from my online contacts. I was busy managing my family at home. I always nurtured the passion for doing something worthwhile. At the start, I wrote for a paid blog run by The Times of India. It winded up for some reasons unknown.

Later I found a unique niche in health tourism and wellness tourism. These are emerging markets with lots of potential, especially after the pandemic. I studied and researched a lot to build my expertise in writing. I am in an advisory role as well. I am happy to work not only for my career growth but also that serves a bigger purpose.

Question 2. When did you think about starting a business ?

Honestly speaking, my objective is not fully business-oriented. I intend to help budding content writers looking for the right direction. I have also conducted webinars to help them out. You can find them on my YouTube channel. Some of them acknowledged my efforts. You know, it feels good when you see your mentorship is helping somebody out there.

But yes, I plan to run a full-fledged digital marketing agency in the future. The time is now to do the spade work. The team building is on.

Question 3. How do you manage your personal and professional life?

Managing work-life balance has never been a big deal for me. Thanks to a lot of reading and practical applications. I take a lot of interest in corporate culture, workplace wellness, burnouts, and others. I maintain specific time slots for specific activities. Make sure not to take too many things on my plate. There are overwhelming situations at times, but that is also a part of life. You need to build your acceptance.

Question 4. Who is your mentor?

In content writing, I would rather say ‘Good Books’ are my mentors. Reading is the main tool to grow in content writing. I am lucky to work with a few recognized professionals whose guidance also helped me to grow.

I will suggest reading Becoming by Michelle Obama, Autobiography of Lee Iocaca, First Things First by Stephen R.Covey. I think these will be great for the young generation starting fresh. Lee Iocaca’s book may seem to be difficult to grasp but I would still recommend to consider it as the Bible of Business Management.

Question 5. What advice you will give to students who are just starting out as graduates ?

My advice will be to first make sure what you want to do in life. You will have to decide.  It is never wrong to try different things. Don’t be afraid of failure. That blocks your potential. Whatever you pursue, dive deep into it unless you are able to make it work for you.  Be honest with yourself first.

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My name is Siddharth Ray. I have worked in banking and insurance and now I have started my own agency for helping people taking the right investment decisions.You can contact me for investing in equity, mutual funds, life insurance, health insurance ,motor insurance and fixed deposits.

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