Most important content writing skills in 2023

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What is content writing ? What is copywriting ? How is it connected to digital marketing ?

I will answer all these one by one in a single article today.Hope ,you have read my previous post on digital marketing ,if not here is the link

Digital marketing refers to marketing of products or services digitally and search traffic is the biggest factor in it. Search traffic is of 2 types- paid traffic and organic traffic. Today we will focus on organic traffic. Ranking in google through advertisement is easy but it gets expensive over time. SEO traffic is free and of high quality but it takes time.

SEO or search engine optimization consists of content writing and copywriting.

Content writing is different from copywriting. Content writing is creation of high-value content to educate their readers.It may or may not lead to sales but it is never the primary objective whereas in copywriting ,the content is written in such a manner that it persuades the reader to take some type of sales-related action.Copywriting is more of convincing your prospective customers into buying some product or service.

Examples of content writing are :

  • Blog like this which you are reading,
  • E-books
  • Email newsletters
  • News articles
  • Case-studies
  • Social media posts

Examples of copywriting are:

So you must be wondering which is the best of the 2 options and a business needs which one of the two.The answer is a business needs both . Copywriting may generate sales but content writing does the background work by warming up a customer to convert.

You’ll have to do content writing if you want to create organic website content,but you will have to do copywriting when you want to create paid ads and other pieces of sponsored text content.

Why we should do content writing in the first place ?

According to SEO statistics, 72% of online marketers,describe content creation as their most effective SEO strategy.

Google recieves over 77000 searches per second.

67 % of clicks go to the first 5 results displayed in search engines.

90 % of the websites get zero traffic from google.

How we should do content writing ?

Now that we know that content writing and copywriting is a part of the SEO and we want to do content writing ,where should we start from ?First of all ,you don’t need to get overwhelmed because I will explain in such a way that a 7th grade student will also find it easy.

Most of you must have written essays in school .In today’s digital world where everything is connected ,and marketing has evolved from shopping in malls to online shopping on mobiles ,writing has also evolved from books and newspapers and magazines to ekindle format and blogs posts. Now most of the business have a website and a blog section. Blogs are nothing but essays which we used to write in school for gaining marks. Now we write blogs for gaining customers. Reading is very easy but writing the same content is not so easy. If it were so ,then there would be no ahrefs website charging $99 for a basic monthly plan just to reveal the keywords that the people are using.

For writing a good content ,you just have to make a website ,install a SEO plugin like rankmath and make sure you follow the guidelines.There are 2 types of SEO- on page seo and off page seo.

On -page SEO is following the guidelines.

Title tag- The title of the blog post also appears on the browser tab.It also affects the SEO.So the title should be appealing .

Meta description -The second one is the meta description .The focus keyword should appear in the beginning of the description . It also appears on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page)

Header tags- Header tags also known as heading tags are used to seperate heading and sub-headings in a page.They rank in order of importance from H1 to H6.

Optimized images and videos-Putting in different images and videos is also important because without these,the posts look boring.Sometimes images add relevancy to the subject and make it more appealing.

For off-page SEO ,you have to keep in mind some important points .

First is the use of backlinks,the more links you have, the better the chances of ranking higher for specific keywords.

Second is the use of social media.Search engines track the social media engagement on a page once it is published.Higher the engagement higher the chances of getting better ranking.

Third is the brand mentions on multiple websites .It can help with SEO because Google loves brands because brands are long term.A higher percentage of brand name searches also help in SEO.

Fourth is tracking the author and the personal brand behind the content.A part of the algorithm called “Author Rank ” gives weightage to aauthors because they are recognized as experts.

How to learn content writing ?

There is no fixed method to learn content writing.But it is said somewhere that you have 100000 words of bad content in you . In other words you can get better at it only by practice .The more you write ,the better you become at it. ‘

You can write as many blogs but you must have consistency .For example ,if you write only two blogs every week,you will have more than 100 blogs at the end of a year and within 5 years ,you will have 500 blogs .That’s a lot and with that ,some articles will start ranking too. And a general SEO strategy will also take 6 months to 1 year to start showing results.

One thing that keeps me motivated is the result of compounding. I believe that this is also a business which will give compounded results in future because once a website has many blogs ,readers will keep on coming to the website and it will become an asset .Anybody writes only once but readers keep on reading since they like the content.

There is a book”Think and grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill .I have read the book recently and it gives the summary of basic principles which are required to become successful . It was written in 1937 and today ,even after 85 years of being published ,it continues to be a bestseller.

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My name is Siddharth Ray. I have worked in banking and insurance and now I have started my own agency for helping people taking the right investment decisions.You can contact me for investing in equity, mutual funds, life insurance, health insurance ,motor insurance and fixed deposits.

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