7 fascinating reasons for reading books

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Hello friends,today’s topic is reading books. I know the topic sounds wierd because most of the people keep reading books right from kindergarten (https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/why-is-kindergarten-called-kindergarten) to graduation, or even more.But here, I am not talking about the books which are related to the curriculum, but books related to life .

Today, I am going to list out 7 benefits of reading books.

The first benefit is that these books provide a lot of insights. For example there is a book called “How to stop worrying and start living” by Dale Carnegie. By reading the book ,I came to know about a lot of things like,why does anybody worry in the first place and how it can be cured.

The book was written in 1937 in USA and I read it on my mobile in India in 2023 but the base principles are the same even after 85 years. There was one more thing written in book which caught my attention .It was ” 90 % of the thing in our life is right and only 10 % is not right .” But we keep worrying about the 10 % forgetting the 90 %.

You can also become an author.I was not a keen reader myself , but when I did a digital marketing course last year, I came to know the importance of being an author and for being a author you need to know how to write.And for learning how to write ,you need to read some books of other authors in the first place . So,this is how I started reading and now I regret not starting reading earlier.

Today in this digital world where everyone is connected more than ever before, being an author is not that tough because of 2 reasons. Firstly mentors are available to guide you in the process and secondly ,you do not need a large publishing house to publish your book. Self-publishing optios are available at a fraction of the cost involved in traditional publishing.

I have started by writing simple blogs and now I am overwhelmed by the response in the comments section. I am giving the link of the most popular blog – https://sidworld.in/5-reasons-for-using-godaddy/ https://sidworld.in/5-ideas-for-financial-freedom/

The third benefit is better writing skills.If you want to become a specialist in your field ,you have to practice over and over again .So ,the more you read ,the more improvement you have in your writing skills.Today content writing has become a very large business and professional writers are in much demand.The salary package is also very attractive. But everybody needs experience writers and what better way to keep reading and publishing your article on your blog.

The fourth benefit is that reading improves your G.K. By reading books of various authors ,you come to know of various new things and it can improve your General Knowledge .Recently I was reading a book where there were expcerpts of Berkshire Hathways meetings.By reading that book I came to know about how Warren Buffet started making investments at an early age and his company’s share prices kept increasing. For improving your GK, you can reasd these books

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

The Power of Your Subconsious Mind by Joseph Murphy

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

The fifth benefit is that reading reduces stress. When we start reading a book , we forget about our surroundings and focus on what we are reading. The time ,we are engrossed in the book,helps to reduce stress and become smarter because of the contents we read in the book.

The sixth benefit is it improves the speed of reading.Many people complain that they are not good at English.English has 3 components -speaking ,reading and writing .So the more you focus on reading ,you will improve on writing and speaking also.One trick is also that if you think in English ,you will speak also in English.

The last benefit is ? I am searching what to list out among all the benefits listed out on the internet.But I am confused because the benefits are so much that I am getting overwhelmed. So,I leave it upon my readers to reply in the comment section about the next benefit.

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My name is Siddharth Ray. I have worked in banking and insurance and now I have started my own agency for helping people taking the right investment decisions.You can contact me for investing in equity, mutual funds, life insurance, health insurance ,motor insurance and fixed deposits.

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